Our Mission

Outpost Ministries is located in Manassas, Virginia, but our reach is global. Our primary mission is to pursue the hearts of those that seek the objective truth and full life that only the Gospel of Jesus Christ can offer. We do this through one-on-one interactions, media resources, conferences and retreats. We invite you to drink deeply from each of these springs.

Our message is the treasure of the Christian Gospel--not the tired story of good manners, but rather the love story of all ages, set in the midst of a fierce battle. As Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal, and kill, and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10). After all, it is life we are after, each one of us. And it is life that God offers.

This message has been lost and shrouded by religion. We are committed to helping others rediscover its beauty and power. For this message is able to set men and women free to live from the heart as God’s intimate allies. As St. Irenaeus said, “The glory of God is man fully alive.” That’s what we are devoted to--seeing men and women come fully alive as the image-bearers of a breathtaking God.

Ministry Focus

First Responders

Outpost Ministries provides discipleship, counsel, healing and training for the firefighters and police officers of Prince William County, VA. Whether assisting with civilians at a tragic scene, meeting with an officer over coffee to discuss or work through life's difficulties, or cooking a meal at the fire station, Outpost offers a ministry of availability.

Men's Ministry

Recovering the authentic, God-inspired masculinity within the hearts of men is in dire need. With the epidemic of fatherlessness destroying families across society, the answer can come from Christ alone. Outpost Ministries brings men into a redemptive walk with Jesus so that they may live with nothing to hide, nothing to prove, and nothing to fear.

Alaska Expedition

Outpost Ministries partners with CRU Valor and CRU Lifelines to build a place in the Alaskan wilderness to host college adult trips. The long days and challenging work provide intentional time with God to rest the heart. The beautiful setting amongst the mountains, lakes and glaciers provides the perfect setting for students to learn Christian leadership principles.


For over 12 years each summer, we have traveled to Alaska to build in a place in the wilderness to reach the wilderness of the hearts of men and women. For 2023 we are doing something very different and raising financial support for the ministry here in Prince William County with our Police and Fire and Rescue Departments.

We are doing that by means of a Drive-a-thon to Anchorage, Alaska.

This work God has me doing with Police officers and Firemen is crucial and very much needed. As a volunteer chaplain with both departments, I am finding an enormous need in the first responder community for ministry, discipleship, counsel and healing. The Gospel is the answer and God is putting me in situations every week where I have the opportunity to direct these heroic men and women to Christ.

I need to be available full time to these First Responders, and to do that, I am making this trip as a point of awareness. From July 26th to Aug 20th 2023, I will be driving with my daughter, Jessica, over 10,570 miles to Alaska and back. Already the first responder community is talking about this act of service. They ask me, “Why are you doing this for us?”. My response is, “So I can be there for you!”. The hug or handshake that follows says it all.

If you feel God leading you to be a part of this mission, please consider partnering with us in prayer and financial support.


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Contact Us

10169 Strawflower Lane
Manassas, VA 20110